Wage and Hour Compliance Training Made Easy
Are employees failing to take their meal breaks on time? Do managers struggle to enforce your policies? Train your team with our Wage and Hour courses and watch as compliance soars.
Online | Mobile-Friendly | Onsite/Remote | Manager and Employee Training | Customization | Notifications | Reports | More
In-Depth Courses
Cal Comply courses are designed and updated regularly by our team of attorneys to meet the needs of California businesses with onsite or remote employees.
Created and maintained by experts in California law, employment lawsuits, and wage and hour policy
Multiple types of courses for employees, managers, onsite workers, remote workers, and custom solutions
Multiple Lessons
Each course includes multiple lessons with a video and text that cover wage and hour requirements in California and your company policies, including:
Timekeeping, meal periods, rest periods, overtime, wages and paystubs, expenses, and more
Tips for managers, management tools, how to spot potential wage and hour issues, and more
Certification Exams
Every course includes an exam at the end to verify that employees and managers understand wage and hour policies.
Exams are “open book” and can be taken multiple times
In order to earn their certificate of completion, employees and managers must pass an exam with a score of 100%
Certificates of Completion
Upon passing an exam, every user is required to sign their certificate of completion for the course.
Certificates with an employee or manager’s signature verify they have completed a wage and hour course
Signed certificates of completion can be downloaded as a PDF and are stored in Cal Comply for as long as your company uses Cal Comply
Don’t Get Caught Without It
Our compliance training, certification, and documentation significantly reduces your risk of litigation and protects you in the event of litigation.
Courses for Managers and Employees
Each course includes multiple lessons and a certification exam
Signed certificates of completion are saved in your account
Let Us Help You Create a Culture of Compliance and Refocus on Running Your Business
Fill out this form to request a demo and see how how our wage and hour training can educate your team, improve compliance, and reduce the risk of a lawsuit.
We appreciate your interest! We’ll respond within 24-48 hours.
Cal Comply is all online, accessed through a web browser, mobile-friendly, and responsive. Training can be completed on a desktop computer, Mac or PC, tablet, or smart phone.
There are multiple notifications sent via email or text when a new user has been added, a course is completed, a certificate has been signed, and more.
Reports & Admin
Administrators have access to company settings, certificate notifications, Reports, User Management, and the ability to Import Users in bulk with a .CSV file.
Who should use Cal Comply’s Wage and Hour Training (Cal Comply)?
Any California business, nonprofit, or government entity with non-exempt/hourly employees.
What about our remote workers?
Cal Comply provides courses for employees working in an office, and separate trainings for remote employees. Remote workers can be tempted to violate your policies, even with good intentions. To avoid employee burnout and lawsuits, require all remote employees to complete the training, including sales, customer support, and other service-related roles.
What is our biggest risk?
The biggest legal threat to a California business is a class action or Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) lawsuit for violation of California’s wage and hour laws. Thousands of these lawsuits are filed against businesses each year. The typical costs to defend and resolve these cases range from $250,000 for a company with 50 or fewer employees, to $500,000+ for a company with over 250 employees. Avoiding these lawsuits starts with clear wage and hour policies. The second mandatory step is thorough training.
Doesn’t our employee handbook protect us?
No. An employee handbook is just the beginning. Without training on what your rules are and how they are actually applied, your business has a significant risk of being sued. Most businesses hit with huge wage and hour judgments have lawful employee handbooks.
How long does the training take?
Each employee completes the training individually. Each course includes multiple lessons with two seven-minute videos and text. In total, each Wage and Hour course takes 20–30 minutes to complete. Business owners can set up their account and add users in a matter of minutes, depending on the size of their company.
Should we train existing employees, or only new ones?
Yes. Train both. To abide by the law and protect your organization, all your employees need to have the same understanding of the law and your company policies. Cal Comply flows easily into new employee on-boarding processes.
We have never had issues with California employment laws and our people love us. Should we be concerned?
Unfortunately, yes. California has some of the most exhaustive and complex employment laws in the country. There are hundreds of potential Labor Code violations in California and thousands of lawyers ready to file lawsuits at every turn seeking penalties for everything from missed or untimely meal periods to inaccurate pay stubs or unsuitable seats. Although the harm from these violations is often minuscule, the potential penalties from a lawsuit quickly exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Which employees should complete the training?
Everyone, including executives, sales, and even other employees whom you think are not a risk. Remote employees should also complete the training.
Do we really need to train our managers & supervisors?
Absolutely! Properly trained managers are your first line of defense in lessening the risk of a lawsuit. Supervisors who know the rules and hold employees accountable often lead more efficient, higher profit teams while simultaneously eliminating risks of a lawsuit.
Are there roles and privileges for certain users?
Yes, there are a few roles available. Admins can add/remove users, view reports, and manage the account. Managers can activate Training Kiosk Mode. Employees have a limited view where they can only take training courses and see their education history.
How do my employees take the training?
Cal Comply is available online via a browser so computers, tablets, and phones can all be used to access the training and complete it. You may also set the training up on one or multiple computers in “Kiosk Mode,” so employees can go to a computer in an office one at a time to complete the training.
How do I keep track of who completed the training?
Cal Comply automatically maintains records of everyone who has completed the training, passed the exam, and been certified. You can easily access the records and produce reports at any time.
Should we have our non-California employees take this training?
Any type of employment training can be beneficial for your employees. But Cal Comply was designed to address California’s labor and employment climate. Therefore, we cannot confirm Cal Comply trainings have value outside of people employed in the State of California.
When do I need a lawyer instead of Cal Comply?
Cal Comply trainings are intended for general information and educational purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice or to provide legal guidance of any kind whatsoever. The trainings help empower your business and employees to comply with the most common wage and hour laws that are often brought by employees in lawsuits. Legal compliance starts with good training but requires good management and follow through as well. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought.